Second-hand uniform sale on Wednesday 12 March from 5.30-7pm in the school POSTPONED until Summer Term
A range of PE kit, jumpers, skirts, shirts and trousers available to buy from £1!
Events & information:
The Thomas Keble Parent Teachers Association (TK PTA) is an organisation of parents, staff and friends of the school who work together to support the life of the school and raise funds through various activities including a successful 100 Club.
Events have included our very successful fireworks display over a number of years, bingo nights, family pub quizzes, entertainment from Tweedy the Clown, and cheese and wine tastings.
All proceeds from the sale will go to our School. Card and cash payments accepted
Please bring any donations to school and leave for the attention of The PTA
We are currently fundraising for the new interactive whiteboards to be used across the whole Humanities department.
Volunteers needed to help set up the items for sale and support with the sale.
Please email if you are able to help: Tkpta
Another way to support the TK PTA:
Join the Stroud Council lottery Lucky Severn with monthly draws- top prize each month £25000!
50% of each ticket bought by supporters using the TK link goes directly to the TK PTA account.
Easy Fundraising is a straightforward way to raise money for the PTA just by shopping online. You don’t pay anything extra. All you need to do is register at this link and follow the instructions: Thomas Keble PTA - Eastcombe Stroud Fundraising | Easyfundraising