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KS3 Science Map

Lesson time

Pupils are taught 6 lessons of Science a fortnight during years 7-9. 


Homework is set two or three times per fortnight, predominantly on Carousel website. Carousel is a flashcard platform that allows students to revise and be tested on their science knowledge. It is primarily focused on review and practice of the core knowledge.  A lower score on the homework indicates that the pupil should seek further support on that learning.


There is an end of unit test for each model and two cumulative tests throughout the years 7 and 8 based on everything they have covered in that year.

Useful curriculum links   This is our homework platform. A brilliant revision resources. Very easy to navigate. Great website covering the entire KS3 content with information and questions. 



Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6

Year 7

Introduction to Science

7B1 Cells and Reproduction

7C1 Matter and Mixtures

7P1 Forces

7B2 Plants and Ecology

7C2 Atoms and the periodic table

7P2 Energy

End of Year projects

Year 8

8B1 Organisation and Respiration

8C1 Reactions 1

8P1 Electricity and Magnetism

8B2 Inheritance, Variation and Evolution

8C2 Reactions 2

8P2 Waves

End of Year projects

Year 9


AQA GCSE C1 Atoms and the periodic table

AQA GCSE P1 Energy

AQA GCSE B2 Organisation

AQA GCSE C2 Bonding

AQA GCSE P4 Atomic structure and radioactivity