Thomas Keble Staff
Senior Management Team (SMT)
![]() Headteacher |
Steve is originally from Newcastle and read Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at Edinburgh University. Following graduation, Steve spent a year cycling to India, before returning to Edinburgh to obtain a Post Graduate Certificate in Education. He has held leadership positions in schools in Bristol, Gloucestershire, Newcastle and Hong Kong. Steve is married with three children and is still a keen cyclist. |
![]() Deputy Headteacher |
Chris is originally from London and read English at St David’s University College, Lampeter. Following graduation, he completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Education at the University of Bath. Chris has spent all his teaching career in Gloucestershire, joining Thomas Keble as Deputy Headteacher in 2014. Chris is married with two children and enjoys the cinema, cooking and walking the Gloucestershire countryside. |
![]() Assistant Headteacher |
Claire is originally from North Wales and read Accounting and Finance at Aberystwyth University before completing a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of Chester. Claire has spent all of her teaching career in Gloucestershire and joined Thomas Keble in 2004. Claire is married with two children and enjoys spending time with family and friends, visiting Wales, and walking her two very energetic dogs. |
![]() Assistant Headteacher |
Chris is originally from Bristol and read Sport and Media at the University of Wales, Newport. Following graduation, Chris spent 2 years travelling around the World where he taught in schools in South America and coached sport in Australia. Chris is a qualified PADI scuba diver and has skied at a high level. He has held leadership positions in schools in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Chris is married with two children and is still playing rugby. |
Mrs Sara Papps School Business Manager |
Sara has lived in Gloucestershire for nearly 30 years and has spent the last 17 years working in education, spanning primary schools, secondary schools, and higher education. Most recently, she was Head of Strategic Planning, Data, and Business Intelligence at the Royal Agricultural University. Sara is married with two children and enjoys spending time with her family, illustration, and walking her dog. |
Ms Joanna Hurren |
Originally from Tenby, Joanna read English and Music at Christ Church College, University of Kent. With aspirations of being a social worker, Joanna felt she could safeguard more children by teaching in schools, thus went on to study her PGCE in Secondary English at the University of Roehampton. Joanna has always held pastoral roles, following the Head of Year route before landing her dream role as Designated Safeguarding Lead which she combines with her work for the Teaching Regulation Agency. Joanna is a keen musician and her pastimes involve anything musical. |
Mr Richard South |
Richard is originally from Wimbledon, London and read History at the University of Warwick, before completing a Post Graduate Certificate in Education at the University of Kingston. Richard has held leadership positions at schools in Surrey and Wiltshire before coming to Thomas Keble. He has also spent time travelling, with teaching experiences in both India and Kenya. Richard is married with three children and enjoys football and cricket, and more recently, running. |
Mr Stuart Allen |
Stuart was born in Gloucester. He read Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Wales, Cardiff before completing a Masters in Biomechanics and Physiology. Stuart gained qualified teacher status through the GTP route as part of the Ninestiles Federation in Birmingham. Stuart has held leadership positions in schools across Gloucester and Reading. He is married with two children and enjoys rugby, cycling and eating out with friends. |
Tutor List
Year 7: Head of Year Mrs Dempsey
House House |
Tutor(s) |
Carpenter | Mrs Levantesi |
Jenner | Mr KIngston-Lee |
Lee | Mrs Savage |
Mercia | Miss Fagiani |
Whittle | Miss Walker |
Year 8: Head of Year Mr S Thomas
In Y8, each tutor group will have a mix of Houses | Tutor(s) | |
8LXH | Mrs Hunt | |
8AW | Mrs Weavill and Mr T Williams Miss Cole | |
8PD | Mrs Dodd (Miss Quinn & Miss Evans) | |
8OH 8JC |
Miss Cape |
8SCB | Mrs Belinger |
Year 9: Head of Year Miss V Cannam
House | Tutor(s) |
Carpenter | Mrs Paynter |
Jenner | Mrs Cole |
Lee | Mr Price |
Mercia | Miss Beggan |
Whittle | Mrs Haynes |
Year 10: Head of Year Mr C Jackson
House | Tutor(s) |
Carpenter | Mr Acton |
Jenner | Mr Kingscote |
Lee | Miss Pastor |
Mercia | Mrs Chambers |
Whittle | Miss Roberts |
Year 11: Head of Year Mrs L Nicholls
House | Tutor(s) |
Carpenter | Mrs Hardstaff |
Jenner | Mrs Crombie |
Lee | Mrs Lee |
Mercia | Mr Wills |
Whittle | Mrs Park |
Staff List A to Z
Full Name | Initials | Role |
Mr Paul Acton | PA | Head of Department - Geography |
Mr Stuart Allen | SA | Associate Assistant Headteacher, Head of Faculty - Maths & Computing |
Mr Zabihullah Azizi | AZ | Deputy Network Manager |
Mrs Daphne Bartleman | DB | DT Food Tech (Maternity Cover) |
Mrs Mel Beddoe | MKB | Teaching Assistant – SEN |
Miss Maisie Beggan | MNB | Head of Music |
Miss Emily Belcher | EVB | Head of Department – Special Educational Needs |
Mr Andy Bint | AB | IT Technician / Site & Premises |
Mrs Clare Bell | CB | MDSA/Site Assistant |
Mrs Nikki Blackborow | NXB | Teacher of English |
Mrs Nicola Blight | NAB | Data Manager & Exams Officer |
Mrs Nicola Bryant | NSB | Teacher of Science |
Mrs Roz Buck | RB | Teaching Assistant |
Ms Juliette Camilleri | JCC | Business Manager |
Miss Vickie Cannam | VC | Head of Department: Careers and English Teacher, Head of Year 9 |
Miss Jennifer Cape | JHC | Art Teacher |
Mrs Sandra Chambers | SC | Languages Teacher (French) |
Mrs Wendy Chandler | WAC | Teaching Assistant – SEN |
Mr Ben Clarke | BC | Head of Faculty – Art, Performing Arts and Training Manager |
Miss Amy Cole | AJC | Second in Science Faculty |
Mr Stefan Cook | SXC | Teacher of Computer Science |
Mrs Julie Cox | JDC | Teaching Assistant – SEN |
Miss Mary Crombie | MLC | Design Technology Teacher |
Mrs Sarah Davies | SCD | Science Technician |
Mrs Barbara Davis | BD | Attendance Officer |
Mrs Michelle Dempsey | MXD | Head of Department: PSHCE and Head of Year 7 |
Mrs Tish Dodd | PD | Head of Faculty: English |
Mrs Sasha Doodson | SMD | Science Teacher |
Mrs Sally Drumm | SJD | Science Technician |
Miss Angharad Evans | AE | PE Teacher and PE Technician |
Miss Julie Fagiani | JHF | Teacher of Maths |
Ms Alexa Forbes | AF | Specialist teacher dyslexia & literacy and EAA coordinator |
Mrs Jane Gandy | JG | Display Officer |
Miss Lynne Hardstaff | LH | Head of Department: MFL |
Miss Hollie Hayes | HJH | Finance Assistant |
Mrs Jane Haynes | JLH | Head of Department: Citizenship |
Mrs Leanne Hunt | LXH | 2nd in English Department |
Mrs Marianne Hunt | MH | Teaching Assistant - SEN |
Mrs Joanna Hurren | JMH | Associate Assistant Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead and English Teacher |
Mr Ossian Hynes | OXH | Head of Faculty: Science |
Mr Chris Jackson | CAJ | Head of Department: Design Technology and Head of Year 10 |
Mrs Kate Jaggard | KJ | SEN Administrator |
Miss Caitlin Jesson | CXJ | Librarian |
Miss Emma Jones | EJ | Design Technology Technician (Food) |
Mrs Charlotte King | CXK | Pastoral Support Link |
Mr Rob Kingscote | RK | Head of Department: History and Head of House |
Mr Toby Kingston-Lee | TKL | 2nd in Maths Department |
Mrs Abigail Lee | AL | Science Teacher |
Mrs V Levantesi | VXL | Teacher of Maths |
Mrs Emma Lowe | EML | Receptionist |
Mr Thomas Luke | TL | IT Tech apprentice |
Mrs Janet Marshall | JXM | Teaching Assistant - SEN |
Mr Mark Masters | MM | Teaching Assistant - SEN |
Mrs Emma Miladowska | EM | DT Food Tech (maternity Cover) |
Ms Tessa Milne | TM | Teaching Assistant- SEN |
Mrs Claire Minchin | CM | Teaching Assistant - SEN |
Miss Laura Morris | LJM | Teaching Assistant – SEN |
Mrs Tess Mortimer | TM | Teaching Assistant – SEN |
Mrs Lisa Nicholls | LN | Geography Teacher and Head of Year 11 |
Mrs Deirdre Nolan | DN | Data & Exams Administrator |
Mr Jon Oliver | JO | Teacher of Science |
Mr Guy O’Malley | GO | Operations Manager |
Mrs Tigz O'Malley | TO | Attendance, Events Administrator and First Aid Lead |
Mr Chris Orland | CO | Cover Supervisor |
Ms Amanda Oxberry | AO | PA to Headteacher, Clerk to Trustees, Recruitment and SCR Administrator |
Mrs Annie Parfitt | AP | Higher Level Teaching Assistant – 2nd in SEN |
Mrs Emma Park | EP | Teacher of English |
Mrs Caroline Parry | CEP | Teaching Assistant - SEN |
Miss Berta Pastor | BP | Languages Teacher (Spanish) |
Mr Chris Patrick | CP | Deputy Headteacher/Teaching & Learning |
Mrs Harriet Paynter | HMP | RE Teacher |
Mrs Helyn Powell | HP | Teaching Assistant – SEN |
Mr Glenn Price | GP | Head of Faculty: PE |
Mrs Kat Caine | KQ | Teacher of Drama |
Mrs Jurate Rakauskiene | JR1 | Science Technician |
Mrs Nikki Ramsden | NR | Teaching Assistant |
Miss Abigail Richings | AAR | Volunteer |
Miss Kirsty Roberts | KR | PE Teacher and Head of House |
Mrs Liz Rogers | LR | Teaching Assistant - SEN |
Mrs Claire Rossiter | CR | Assistant Headteacher: Data & Timetabling |
Dr Chris Russell | CPR | Design Technology Technician |
Mrs Wenna Russell | WR | Reprographics & Ed Visits Admin |
Mrs Katya Savage | KS | Science Teacher |
Mr Steven Shaw | SPS | Headteacher and Physics Teacher |
Mr Richard South | RAS | Associate Assistant Headteacher & History and RE Teacher |
Mrs Laura Stradling | LJS | Second in PE Department |
Mr Scott Thomas | ST | Teacher of History, PSHE & RE & Head of Year 8 |
Miss Ruth Walker | ROW | Teacher of DT |
Mrs Andrea Wallace | AW | Pastoral Support Link |
Mrs Alice Weavill | AKW | Head of Faculty: RE |
Mrs Kate Weller | KW | Cover Officer, Admissions and HR |
Mr Chris Whitfield | CJW | Assistant Headteacher: Pastoral Care and Ethos |
Mr Tom Williams | TW | PE Teacher |
Mrs Sally Wills | SAW | Design Technology Teacher |
Mr Pierre Wynn | PW | Caretaker |
Miss Jess Yeomans | JY | Assistant SENDCo |