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Student Leadership

At Thomas Keble, we recognise the importance of nurturing and developing leadership skills and qualities in our students. Our provision reflects the belief that student leaders can shine in a wide range of areas of school life, and with differing leadership styles.

Our leadership roles reflect the full breadth of our curriculum and extracurricular offer.

There are 3 defined paths for student leadership at Thomas Keble that have been derived from our previously highly successful programme of student leadership. Our student leadership opportunities focus on both Citizen action as well reinforcing our invigorated House system.

Path 1: House Leadership

This comprises of a hierarchical structure that allows student leadership to develop further for students as they arrive in year 7 and leave in year 11.

In years 7-9 we have 2 House Representatives per tutor group whose roll it is to support their tutor and Head of House in encouraging and supporting participation in both house matters and wider participation school life. In year 11 there are 2 Heads of house students per house that are from year 11 who support the Heads of House in our House competitions as well as representing the school in key internal external events. The House captains are supported by 6 Vice Captains also from year 11 who represent their house in the following areas: 1. Communications, 2. Performing Arts, 3. Sports, 4. STEM, 5. Humanities and literacy 6. Creative Arts.

Year 11 students hold their House Captain and Vice-Captain positions until the end of term 4 when our shadow House Captains and Vice Captains from year 10 take over so that year 11 can focus on their examination preparation.

Year 11 House captains

House leadership roles

House Staff House Staff House Staff House Staff House Staff

Mr Acton

Mrs Blight

Ms Camilleri

Mrs Chandler

Mrs Doodson

Mrs Drumm

Mrs Evans

Mr Gateru

Mrs Guarino

Miss Hardstaff

Mrs Nolan

Mrs Parfitt

Mrs Paynter

Miss Quinn

Mrs Rakauskiene

Mr South

Mr Williams

Mr Wolfin

Miss Hunt


Miss Belinger

Miss Cole

Miss Crombie

Mrs Dempsey

Ms Farrow

Mrs Hankey

Miss Hayes

Mr Kingscote

Mr Kingston-Lee

Mrs Nottingham

Mr Patrick

Mrs Powell

Mrs Rogers

Mrs Weavill

Mr Woodcock

Mrs Beddoe

Mr Bint

Mr Clarke

Mrs Davies

Mrs Dodd

Ms Forbes

Mr Jackson

Mrs Jaggard

Mrs Lee

Miss Morris

Mr O’Malley

Miss Pastor

Mr Price

Mrs Rossiter

Dr Russell

Mrs Savage

Mr Wynn

Mr Azizi

Miss Beggan

Miss Belcher

Mr Burgess

Miss Cannam

Mrs Cox

Mrs Gandy

Mrs Hurren

Mr Hynes

Miss Jesson

Mrs Mortimer

Mrs O'Malley

Mrs Stradling

Miss Tempest

Mrs Wallace

Mr Whalley

Mr Whitfield

Mrs Wills

Miss Yeomans


Mr  Allen

Miss Cape

Mrs Chambers

Mrs Davis

Miss Evans

Mrs Foster

Mrs Green

Mrs Haynes

Miss Jones

Mrs Nicholls

Mr Orland

Ms Oxberry

Miss Roberts

Mrs Weller

Mr Williams

Mrs Park

Mrs Russell

Path 2: Action Project

Our second pathway of student leadership is based around action projects where students can provide a proposal to the school’s senior team to be actively involved in both supporting and changing aspects of the school. For example, currently we have an Eco group and a charitable group that focuses on supporting local charities.

Independent Learning Thursdays – A Stepping Stone to Student Agency |  SharingPYP Blog

Path 3: Subject and Pastoral Leadership

Our third pathway consists of a variety of different subject based student leadership ranging from Sports leaders, subject ambassadors, student librarians and peer mentors in year 10 who support younger year groups.