The GCSE Physical Education course will appeal to you if you: have a keen interest in sport and recreation and always look forward to PE lessons; take part in sport/recreation outside class time; want to follow a course that develops knowledge and understanding through practical involvement; want to improve your own performance; are considering a sports-related career or a higher level course.
It is beneficial if you have achieved at least a high level 5 or a level 6 in your end of Key Stage 3 assessments for PE, English and Science.
The course builds on knowledge, understanding and skills established in Key Stage 3 Physical Education. It will give you exciting opportunities to be involved in a number of different physical activities, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.
The course is comprised of two sections: Practical and Theory. Practical makes up 40% of your mark and Theory makes up 60%. This has changed considerably from previous GCSEs and the course is now far more academic in structure.
You will be assessed in Practical only as a performer. Assessment includes a judgement out of 10 for your skill level and a judgement out of 15 for your performance in a game or composition.
Activities you can choose range from football, basketball, netball, hockey, rugby, cricket, tennis to skiing, golf, swimming, athletics, trampolining and many, many more.
Every time you take part in a practical activity you will have to complete a controlled assessment and you must be responsible for submitting video evidence of your performance. You will be marked on 3 different activities . This section is worth 40% of your final mark. The 3 activities are divided into either 1 individual sport and two team sports or 2 individual and 1 team sport. It is therefore vital that you are a good standard in both individual and team sports.
As well as being assessed in Practical you are also assessed on your Theory knowledge of sport.
You will have to sit TWO exams each 1 hour 15 min long. Theory topics cover a range of areas such as Health and Fitness, Body Systems, Nutrition, Data analysis in sport, Sport Psychology, Sponsorship and Media and many more.
PE and the world of work:
- PE teacher / Sports Coaching
- Sports Physiotherapist / Sports massage
- Sports Psychology /Sports Journalist